・大島一里・小川哲治 2018 ジャガイモ塊茎えそ病 インターネット版 日本植物病害大事典 病害新情報 印刷中
・大島一里 2018 ノビルウイルス病 インターネット版 日本植物病害大事典 病害新情報 印刷中
・Gao F, Kawakubo S, Ho SYW, Ohshima K. 2020 The evolutionary history and gloval spatio-temporal dynamics of
Potato virus Y. Virus Evolution, Veaa056.
・Nakayama H, Matsuo Y, Tanaka T, Ohshima K, Fukuda S, Ishimaru K. 2020 Glucose esters of caffeic acid from Allium macrostemon Bunge. Japanese journal of food chemistry and safety. in press.
・Gibbs AJ, Hajizadeh M, Ohshima K, Jones RAC. 2020 The potyviruses: An evolutionary synthesis is emerging.
Viruses. 12(2), 132; - 22 Jan
・Korkmaz S, Cevik B, Karanfil A, Onder S, Ohshima K. 2020. The phylogenetic relationships and genetic structure of populations
of Turnip mosaic virus in Turkey. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 156. 559-569.
・大島一里.2019. 第8章 県内研究機関の実績 1. 佐賀大学農学部.佐賀の植物防疫史―平成編ー 110-111.
・川久保修佑・大島一里. 2019. 分子系統と分岐年代解析法. 植物感染生理談話会論文集 第54号 109-118.
・Fuentes S, Jones RAC, Matsuoka H, Ohshima K, Kreuze J, Gibbs AJ. 2019. Potato virus Y; the Andean connection. Virus Evolution,5(2): vez037
・Laina JA, Matsumoto K, Setoyama T, Kawano S, Ohshima K. 2019 Pepper veinal mottle virus in Japan is closely related to isolates from other Asian countries, but
more distantly to most of those from Africa. Virus Genes, 55, 347-355.
・Takahashi H. Ogawa, A, Inoue S, Yasaka R, Ohshima K, Ugaki, M, Suzuki M. 2018 Complete genome sequences of seven Peanut stunt virus strains from
Japan. Microbiol
Resour Announc 7:e00952-18.
・Adachi S, Honma T, Yasaka R, Tymchyshyn O, Ohshima K, Tokuda M. 2018 Effects of infection by Turnip mosaic virus on the population growth of generarist and specialist aphid vectors on
turnip plants. PLoS ONE 13(7): e0200784.
・石丸幹二・大島一里・福田伸二 2018 健康野菜としてのノビルの可能性. 農業と園芸.93(5), 379-388.
・石丸幹二・臼井彩夏・大島一里・福田伸二 2018 日本各地で採集したノビルのフェノール類含量.日本食品化学学会誌.25(1), 25-32.
・Shevchenko O, Yasaka R, Tymchyshyn O, Shevchenko T, Ohshima K. 2018 First evidence of the occurrence of Turnip mosaic virus in Ukraine and molecular characterization of its isolate. Journal of Phytopathology,166(6), 429-437.
・Ohshima K, Mitoma S, Gibbs AJ, 2018 The genetic diversity of narcissus viruses related
to turnip mosaic virus blur arbitrary boundaries used to discriminate potyvirus
species PLoS ONE 13(1) e0190511.
・Ohshima K, Okamura K, Yasaka R, Fukuda S, Ishimaru K, Tomitaka Y, Yamashita K. 2017. First genome sequence of shallot latent carlavirus from Allium macrostemon Bunge. Genome Announcements, Aug 17;5(33). pii: e00809-17. doi: 10.1128/genomeA.00809-17.
・臼井彩夏・一瀬大樹・上田敏久・福田伸二・大島一里・松尾洋介・田中 隆・ 中山秀幸・ 石丸幹二. 2017. ノビル鱗茎の成分解析.日本食品化学学会誌、Vol. 24(2), 63-68.
・中村麻子・世良暢之・大島一里・南留美. 2017. 福岡県で流行しているHIVの分子疫学的手法を用いた伝搬状況の推定.179-183. 大同生命報告書
・Yasaka R, Fukagawa H, Ikematsu M, Soda H, Korkmaz S, Golnaraghi A, Katis
N, Ho SYW, Gibbs A J, Ohshima K. 2017. The time of emergence and spread of turnip mosaic potyvirus. Scientific Reports, 7: 4240, DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-01934-7.
・Wylie SJ, Adams M, Chalam C, Kreuze J, López-Moya J, Ohshima K, Praveen S, Rabenstein F, Stenger D, Wang A, Zerbini FM, ICTV Consortium 2017. ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Potyviridae. Journal of General Virology, 98, 352-354
・Usui A, Matsuo Y, Tanaka T, Ohshima K, Fukuda S, Ishimaru K. 2017. Phenolic constituents from Allium macrostemon Bunge. Natural Medicine Note, 71, 51-52.
・Gibbs A, Ohshima K, Yasaka R. Mohammadi M, Gibbs M. Jones R. 2017. The phylogenetics of the
global population of potato virus Y and its necrogenic recombinants. Virus Evolution, 3(1), vex002. doi:10.1093/ve/vex002
・Usui A., Y. Matsuo, T. Tanaka, K. Ohshima, S. Fukuda, T. Mine, H. Nakayama, K. Ishimaru, 2017. Ferulic acid esters
of oligo-glucose from Allium macrostemon. Natural Product Communications, 12, 89-91.
・Usui A, Matsuo Y, Tanaka T, Ohshima K, Fukuda S, Mine T, Yakashiro I, Ishimaru K. 2017. Ferulic acid esters
of glucosylglucose from Allium macrostemon Bunge. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, Sept, DOI: 10.1080/10286020.2016.1213722
・Ohshima K, Nomiyama R, Mitoma S, Honda Y, Yasaka R, Tomimura K. 2016. Evolutionary
rates and genetic diversities of mixed potyviruses in Narcissus. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 45, Sept, 213-223.
・Ohshima K, Korkmaz S, Mitoma S, Nomiyama R, Honda Y. 2016. First genome sequence of wild onion symptomless virus, a novel member of potyvirus in the turnip mosaic virus phylogenetic group. Genome Announcements, 4 (4), July/August, e00851-16.
・Ohshima K. 2016. Spatial and temporal evolution of potyviruses. 12th PSJ Plant Virus Disease Workshop, 12, March, 17-22.
・Wylie SJ, Adams MJ, Kreuze JF, Lopez-Moya JJ, Ohshima K, Rabenstein F, Stenger DC, Wang A, Zerbini FM, 2015. ICTV taxonomic proposal 2015.002aP.A.v2.Poacevirus. Create species Caladenia virus A in the genus Poacevirus, family Potyviridae. Jan, A.v2.Poacevirus.pdf
・Ohshima K, Muraoka S, Yasaka R, Adachi S, Tokuda M. 2016. First report of Scallion mosaic virus on wild Japanese garlic (Allium macrostemon) in Japan. Journal of General Plant Pathology, 82(1), Jan, 61-64.
・Matsumoto K, Yasaka R, Setoyama T, Kawano S, Ohshima K. 2016. Chilli pepper rugose mosaic disease caused by Pepper veinal mottle
virus occurs on Ishigaki Island, Japan. Journal of General Plant Pathology, 82(1), Jan, 57-60.
・Ohshima K, Matsumoto K, Yasaka R, Nishiyama M, Soejima K, Korkmaz S, Ho SYW, Gibbs
AJ, Takeshita M. 2016. Temporal analysis of reassortment and molecular
evolution of Cucumber mosaic virus: Extra clues from its segmented genome, Virology, 487, Jan, 188-197.
・He Z, Yasaka R, Li W, Li S, Ohshima, K. 2016. Genetic structure of populations of sugarcane streak mosaic virus in China: Comparison with the populations in India. Virus Research, 211, Jan, 103-116.
・大島一里, 2015. 植物ウイルスの拡散:農業史及び人類移動との時間的関連. ウイルス 65:(2) 12月 229-238.
・Gibbs AJ, Wood J, Garcia-Arenal F, Ohshima K, Armstrong JS. 2015. Tobamoviruses have probably co-diverged with their
eudicotyledonous hosts for at least 110 million years. Virus Evolution, 1(1): vev019. Dec.
・大島一里, 2015. カブモザイクウイルス. 日比忠明・大木理編. 植物ウイルス大事典. 朝倉書店. pp.905. 11月
・大島一里, 2015. カブモザイクウイルスの起源と拡散年代:種の壁を乗り越えて. 植物防疫. 69巻 (12), 810-813.
・Yasaka R, Ohba K, Schwinghamer MW, Fletcher J, Ochoa-Corona FM, Thomas
JE, Ho SYW, Gibbs A J, Ohshima K. 2015. Phylodynamic evidence of the migration of turnip mosaic potyvirus
from Europe to Australia and New Zealand. Journal of General Virology, 96, March, 701-713.
・Gibbs A J, Nguyen HD, Ohshima K. 2015. The 'emergence' of turnip mosaic virus was probably a 'gene-for-quasi-gene' event. Current Opinion in Virology, 10, Jan, 20-26.
・Musić MŠ, NguyenHD, ČerniS. Mamula ð., Ohshima K. ŠkorićD, 2014. Multilocus sequence analysis of 'Candidatus Phytoplasma
asteris' strain and the genome analysis of Turnip mosaic virus coinfecting oilseed rape. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 117, Sept, 774-785.
・Rabenstein F, Adams MJ, Kreuze, JF, Lopez-Moya JJ, Ohshima K, et al, 2014. ICTV taxonomic proposal 2014.005aP.A.v1. Tritimovirus_sp. Create 1 new species inthe genus Tritimovirus,
family Potyviridae.
・He Z, Li W, Yasaka R, Huang Y, Zhang Z, Ohshima K, Li and S, 2014. Molecular variability of Sugarcane streak mosaic virus in China based on an analysis of the P1 and CP protein coding regions.
Archives of Virology, May;159(5):1149-54.
・Yasaka R, Nguyen HD, Ho SYW, Duchene S, Korkmaz S, Katis N, Takahashi
H, Gibbs A, Ohshima K, 2014. The temporal evolution and global spread of Cauliflower mosaic virus, a Plant Pararetrovirus. PLoS ONE, 9(1), Jan, e85641.
・小川哲治・眞岡哲夫・大島一里, 2013. 本邦のジャガイモYウイルス系統について. 植物防疫. 2013(11), Nov, 623-630.
・大島一里, 2013.ポティウイルスの分子進化学的研究.日本植物病理学会報 79(3), Aug, 135-138. (Studies on the molecular evolution of potyviruses. JGPPの和訳版)
・Ogawa, T., S. Nakamura, M. Sayama and K. Ohshima, 2013. Attenuated mutants of Potato virus Y necrotic strain produced by nitrous acid treatment and mutagenesis-in-tissue culture methods. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 135, April, 745-760. 10.1007/s10658-012-0115-1
・Nguyen, H. D., Y. Tomitaka, S. Y. W. Ho, S. Duchene, H-J. Vetten, D. Lesemann,
J. A. Walsh, A. J. Gibbs and K. Ohshima. 2013. Turnip mosaic potyvirus probably first spread to Eurasian brassica
crops from wild orchids about 1000 years ago. PLoS ONE, 8(2), Feb, e55336. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0055336.
・Nguyen, H. D., H. T. N. Tran and K. Ohshima, 2013. Genetic variation of the Turnip mosaic virus population of Vietnam: A case study of founder, regional and local influences. Virus Research, 171, Jan, 138-149.
・Hayashi, N., Y. Akiyoshi, Y. Kobayashi, K. Kanda, K. Ohshima and M. Goto. 2013. Inactivation characteristics of Bacillus thuringiensis
spore in liquid using atmospheric torch plasma using oxygen. Vacuum, 88, Feb, 173-176.
・大島一里, 2012. 植物感染性ポティウイルスの進化;集団遺伝構造の調査.ウイルス.62, 151-160.
・Pourrahim, R., Golnaraghi, A., Farzadfar, Sh. and K. Ohshima, 2012. Partial biological and molecular characterization of Tomato yellow fruit ring virus isolates from potato. The Plant Pathology Journal, 28, 390-400.
・Ogawa, T., A. Nakagawa, T. Hataya and K. Ohshima. 2012. The genetic structure of populations of Potato virus Y in Japan;
based on the analysis of 20 full genomic sequences. Journal of Phytopathology, 160, 661–673.
・Fukumoto, T., M. Nakamura, K. Ohshima and H. Iwai, 2012. Genetic structure and variability of East Asian Passiflora
virus population in Amami-O-shima, Japan. Journal of Phytopathology, 160, 404-411.
・Takeshita, M., E. Koizumi, M. Noguchi, K. Sueda, H. Shimura, N. Ishikawa, H. Matsuura, K. Ohshima, T. Natsuaki, S. Kuwata, N. Furuya, K. Tsuchiya and C. Masuta, 2012. Infection
dynamics in viral spread and interference under the synergism between Cucumber mosaic virus and Turnip mosaic virus. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 25, 19-27.
・Ohshima, K., 2012.New editorial office. Journal of General Plant Pathology, 1.
・小川哲治・仲川晃生・大島一里, 2011. 鹿児島県奄美地方の塊茎えそ病を示すジャガイモから分離したジャガイモウイルスのゲノム構造. 九州病害虫研究会報. 57, 19-25.
・Ho, T., L. Wang, L. Huang, Z. Li, D. W. Pallett, T. Dalmay, K. Ohshima, J. A. Walsh and H. Wang. 2010. Nucleotide bias of DCL and AGO in plant
anti-virus gene silencing. Protein & Cell, 1, 847-858.
・Gibbs, A. J. and K. Ohshima, 2010. Potyviruses and the digital revolution. Annual Review of Phytopathology. 48, 205-223.
・Yamasaki, S., J. Sakai, S. Fuji, S. Kamisoyama, K. Emoto, K. Ohshima and K. Hanada. 2010. Comparisons among isolates of Sweet potato feathery mottle virus using complete genomic RNA sequences. Archives of Virology, 155, 795-800.
・Ohshima, K., S. Akaishi, H. Kajiyama, R. Koga and A. J. Gibbs, 2010. The evolutionary
trajectory of turnip mosaic virus populations adapting to a new host. Journal of General Virology, 91, 788-801.<Media released by The Society of General Microbiology> <ScienceDaily>
・Seo, J-K., K. Ohshima, H-G. Lee, M. So, H-S. Choi, S-H. Lee, S-H. Sohn and K-H. Kim, 2009. Molecular
variability and genetic structure of the population of Soybean mosaic virus based on the analysis of complete genome sequences. Virology, 393, 91-103.
・大島一里, 2009. ポティウイルスの進化生態と宿主特異性. 植物-病原体相互作用の理解に基づく病害制御の新視点. 植物感染生理談話会論文集. 45, 64-74.
・Farzadfar, S., Y. Tomitaka, M. Ikematsu, A. R. Golnaraghi, R. Pourrahim
and K. Ohshima, 2009. Molecular characterization of Turnip mosaic virus isolates from Brassicaceae weeds. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 124, 45-55. >
・大島一里, 2009. カブモザイクウイルスの分子進化と生態. 植物防疫, 63巻(1): 21-25.
・Korkmaz, S., Y. Tomitaka, S. Onder and K. Ohshima, 2008. Occurrence and molecular characterization of Turkish Isolates of Turnip mosaic virus. Plant Pathology, 57, 1155-1162.
・大島一里, 2008. ゲノム情報から追跡した植物ウイルスの進化・生態・拡散. 神戸植物防疫情報, 989号.
・小川哲治・仲川晃生・佐山 充・大島一里, 2008. ジャガイモ塊茎えそ病の発生生態と防除. 植物防疫 62巻(9): 481-484.
・Gibbs, A. J., K. Ohshima, M. J. Phillips and M. Gibbs, 2008. The prehistory of potyviruses: their
initial radiation was during the dawn of agriculture. PLoS ONE, 3(6) , 1-11, e2523. <Listed as 'New and Exciting in PLoS ONE'>
・Gibbs, A. J., M. Gibbs, K. Ohshima and F. Garcia-Arenal, 2008. More about plant virus evolution; past, present
and future. Origin and evolution of viruses 2nd Edition. Domingo, E., Parrish, C. R. and Holland, J. J. eds. Elsevier, 229-249.
pp 560.
・Ogawa T., Y. Tomitaka, A. Nakagawa and K. Ohshima, 2008. Genetic structure of a population of Potato virus Y inducing potato tuber necrotic ringspot disease in Japan; comparison with
North American and European populations. Virus Research, 131, 199-212.
・Farzadfar, Sh., Mosahebi, Gh., Ahoonmanesh, A., Koohi, M., Ohshima, K., Pourrahim, R., Golnaraghi, A. R. 2007. Distribution and some biological
properties of Cauliflower mosaic virus isolates from Iranian cauliflower fields. Applied Entomology and Phytopathology 75: 1‐25.
・Farzadfar, Sh., Ahoonmanesh, A., Mosahebi, Gh., Ohshima, K., Koohi‐Habibi, M., Pourrahim, R., Golnaraghi, A. R. 2007. Partial biological and molecular characterization of Cauliflower mosaic virus isolates in Iran. Plant Pathology Journal 6: 291‐298.
・K. Ohshima, 2007. Turnip mosaic virus. In Characterization, Diagnosis & Management of Plant Viruses. G. P. Rao, P. L. Kumar, Holguin-Pena, R. J. eds., Studium Press LLC,
Houston, Texas, USA, 313-330.
・Korkmaz, S., S. Onder, Y. Tomitaka and K. Ohshima, 2007. First report of Turnip mosaic virus on Brassicaceae crops in Turkey. Plant Pathology, 56, 719. (New Disease Reports, On line, 2006)
・Tomitaka, Y., T. Yamashita and K. Ohshima, 2007. The genetic structure of populations of Turnip mosaic virus in Kyushu and central Honsh, Japan. Journal of General Plant Pathology, 73, 197-208.
・Ohshima, K., Y. Tomitaka, J. T. Wood, Y. Minematsu, H. Kajiyama, K. Tomimura and
A. J. Gibbs, 2007.Patterns of recombination in turnip mosaic virus genomic
sequences indicate hotspots of recombination. Journal of General Virology, 88, 298-315.
・Gibbs, M. J., P. Wayper, M. L. A. Fourment, J. T. Wood, K. Ohshima, J. S. Armstrong and A. J. Gibbs, 2007. The variable codons of H3 influenza A virus haemagglutinin genes. Archives of Virology, 152, 11-24.
・Tomitaka, Y. and K. Ohshima, 2006. A phylogeographic study of the Turnip mosaic virus population in east Asia reveals an ‘emergent’ lineage in Japan. Molecular Ecology, 15, 4437-4457.
・大島一里, 2006. 生態学から見た植物ウイルスの拡散:ユーラシア大陸そして九州. 九防協年報2005: 16-21.
・Farzadfar, Sh., K. Ohshima, R. Pourrahim, A. R. Golnaraghi, S. Jalali and A. Ahoonmanesh, 2005. Occurrence
of Turnip mosaic virus on ornamental crops in Iran. Plant Pathology, 54, 261.
・Farzadfar, Sh., K. Ohshima, R. Pourrahim, A. R. Golnaraghi, S. Sajedi and A. Ahoonmanesh, 2005. Reservoir weed hosts for Turnip mosaic virus in Iran. Plant Disease, 89, 339.
・Tan, Z., A. J. Gibbs, Y. Tomitaka, F. Sanchez, F. Ponz and K. Ohshima, 2005.Mutations in Turnip mosaic virus genomes that have adapted Raphanus sativus. Journal of General Virology, 86, 501-510.
・Tomimura, K., J. Spak, N. Katis, C. E. Jenner, J. A. Walsh, A. J. Gibbs
and K. Ohshima, 2004. Comparisons of the genetic structure of populations of Turnip mosaic virus in West and East Eurasia. Virology, 330(2), 408-423. Corrigendum
・Tan, Z., Y. Wada, J. Chen and K. Ohshima, 2004. Inter- and intralineage recombinants are common in natural populations
of Turnip mosaic virus. Journal of General Virology, 85, 2683-2696.
・Nomura, K., K. Ohshima, T. Anai, H. Uekusa and N. Kita, 2004. RNA-silencing of the introduced coat protein gene of Turnip mosaic virus confers the broad spectrum resistance in transgenic Arabidopsis. Phytopathology, 94, 730-736.
・井手洋一・黒木健児・田代暢哉・真籠 洋・吉川信幸・大島一里, 2004. カンキツに発生するリンゴステムグルービングウイルスの大腸菌発現外被タンパク質に対する抗血清の作製と酵素結合抗体法による診断への利用.
日本植物病理学会報 70, 123-127.
・Jenner, C. E., X. Wang, K. Tomimura, K. Ohshima, F. Ponz and J. A. Walsh, 2003. The dual role of the potyvirus P3 protein of Turnip mosaic virus as a symptom and avirulence determinant in Brassicas. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 16, 777-784.
・Tomimura, K., A. J. Gibbs, C. E. Jenner, J. A. Walsh and K. Ohshima, 2003. The phylogeny of Turnip mosaic virus; comparisons of 38 genomic sequences reveal a Eurasian origin and a recent
'emergence' in east Asia. Molecular Ecology, 12, 2099-2111.
・大島一里, 2003. 植物ウイルスの進化が見えてきた. 化学と生物, 41巻(2): 125-28.
・Jenner, C. E., K. Tomimura, K. Ohshima, S. L. Hughes and J. A. Walsh, 2002. Mutations in Turnip mosaic virus P3 and cylindrical inclusion proteins are separately required to overcome
two Brassica napus resistance genes. Virology, 300, 50-59.
・Ohshima, K., Y. Yamaguchi, R. Hirota, T. Hamamoto, K. Tomimura, Z. Tan, T. Sano,
F. Azuhata, J. A. Walsh, J. Fletcher, J. Chen, A. Gera and A. Gibbs, 2002.
Molecular evolution of Turnip mosaic virus: evidence of host adaptation, genetic recombination and geographical spread. Journal of General Virology, 83, 1511-1521.
<Before 2001>
・Ohshima, K., K. Sako, C. Hiraishi, A. Nakagawa, K. Matsuo, T. Ogawa, E. Shikata and
N. Sako, 2000. Potato Tuber Necrotic Ringspot Disease Occurring in Japan:
Its Association with Potato virus Y Necrotic Strain. Plant Disease, 10, 1109-1115. <Link > <Photos on Journal Cover>